Bag the Bag Project

The Bag the Bag Project was a series of free public workshops I hosted, teaching the public how to transform plastic bags into yarn - appropriately called plarn - to create various art and household projects. This project was done in a direct effort to support the Philadelphia plastic bag ban which was set to begin on January 1st, 2021, but has now been delayed until July 1st, 2021.
According to the City of Philadelphia: “Philadelphians use about one billion plastic bags each year, which litter our streets, waterways, and commercial corridors. Plastic bags are not recyclable curbside and get caught in the equipment, which is dangerous for recycling center staff and costs the City money ($300,000 per year for 150 staff hours spent cleaning). Banning plastic bags will make our city cleaner, reduce waste, and save taxpayer dollars” (
The Bag the Bag project brings this issue to the attention of Philadelphians so that they can make better choices when it comes to cutting back on plastic waste. We want to support the city government's efforts in banning single use plastics. Please reach out if you are interested in hosting a plarning session in your community or organization.